On October 9th, Manu Kumar Jain, head of Xiaomi’s Indian operations, announced that the sales of the red rice Redmi 5A variant has reached 10 million units, becoming the best-selling smartphone in India and the number one smartphone in India for the first time in nine months.
The phone debuted in India in December last year. The 2GB+16GB version is priced at 5,999 Indian rupees (about $80), and the 3GB+32GB version is priced at 6999 Indian rupees (about $95).
The phone adopts a completely symmetrical design. The sensor on the top of the display is aligned with the center earpiece. The three buttons below are aligned with the Home button. The back material is made of engineering plastic, the weight is at 137g and the grip is good.
In the core configuration, the Red Rice Redmi 5A uses a 5.0-inch 720p display, equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon 425 processor, front-mounted 5MP and a rear 13MP camera, battery capacity of 3000mAh. The MIUI system-level power-saving optimization make the phone achieve up to eight days of standby time.
It is worth to mention that the Redmi 5A was the fifth best selling smartphone in the world after shipping 5.4 million units in Q1 2018 and has a share of 1.6%. The Redmi 5A was very popular in China and India which helped its sales.