On November 20th in Seoul, Samsung held an event to showcase its first folding handset potentially called the Samsung Galaxy F. Samsung’s Vice President, F. Eui-Suk Chung, recently spoke about the next iteration of Bixby 3.0 at Bixby Developer Day event, revealing that Bixby 3.0 will come along with the foldable phone.
Eui-Suk Chung who also controls Bixby development explained that the company is now allowing third-party developers to help in building features for the virtual assistant. He also said that the team is currently working on to launch Bixby with the foldable phone but at the moment company has not decided to call it ‘Bixby 3.0’. To recall Samsung had launched Bixby 2.0 with the launch of Samsung Galaxy Note 9.
The company is yet to reveal more updates regarding what the next Bixby will be bringing to compete with Google assistant and Amazon Echo. Now that Samsung has revealed the intention of releasing Bixby’s new version with the new Galaxy F Smartphone, the expectation has reached another level.
Speaking of the foldable phone, Samsung has only provided some hints so far, however, the bigger picture is yet to be unveiled by the company. So far we only know that the foldable phone will be made available in 2019.
Bixby disaster v.3.