The 5G era is coming, and Chinese companies such as Huawei and ZTE have achieved outstanding results. Yesterday, Huawei announced that it has signed over 25 5G commercial contracts, ranking first in the world and has shipped more than 10,000 5G base stations equipment. At the same time, Huawei and ZTE have been restricted in some countries and regions. Now, the Czech Republic has joined the growing list of countries to prohibit the use of Huawei or ZTE equipment. The authority warned local operators not to use hardware and software products from Huawei and ZTE sighting “national security threats”.
Dusan Navratil, director of the Czech National Network and Information Security Agency (NCISA), stated in a statement that Chinese law requires private companies in China to work with intelligence agencies. Therefore, the adoption of their products in key national systems may pose a threat. However, Huawei spokesperson denied this allegation and it asked NCISA to produce evidence, rather than damage Huawei’s reputation without any evidence. Another Huawei spokesperson also claimed that China does not require Huawei or any other company to install the “mandatory back door” laws, and Huawei never received any such requests from the government, and the company would never agree.