A few days ago, we reported that two employees of Huawei were arrested in Poland for allegations of espionage. One of these employees is a citizen of Poland, while the other is Chinese. The Chinese National is a sales director while the Polish is a former high-ranking official at Poland’s internal security agency. Yesterday, Huawei officially responded to the report and distant itself from the Chinese employee. Huawei said that Wang Weijing, an employee of Huawei’s representative office in Poland, was arrested for violating Polish laws on personal grounds. The incident had a negative impact on Huawei’s global reputation and according to the management regulations, Huawei decided to immediately terminate his appointment.
The company said that it has always complied with all applicable laws and regulations of the countries in which it operates and requires all employees to comply with the laws and regulations of the countries in which they operate. On Friday, the Chinese Embassy in Poland confirmed that the Chinese citizen arrested in Poland on were local Huawei employees. The company further said that his alleged actions have no relation to the company. In accordance with the terms and conditions of Huawei’s labor contract, we have made this decision because the incident in question has brought Huawei into disrepute.
Wonder how many Huawei employees have done the same thing around the world and not got caught? Huawei’s CFO is under house arrest in Canada awaiting extradition to the USA for violating US tech. restrictions to Iran & Syria. Huawei has had a policy of allowing all of this to occur and rarely follow there own rules in the interest of company growth. That’s OK cause Huawei gives the Chinese Gov’t and Information Services (Chinese CIA/Spy agency) full access to all of there business activities, which means that Huawei is the Chinese Gov’t Spy agency! That’s why Britain, Australia, Canada, the USA, New Zealand, Indian, Norway and many other countries have banned Huawei 5G infrastrucure in their countries. Not to mention that Huawei is already guilty of industrial espionage regarding Nortel Communications Corp.; the US Gov’t have never forgot those actions from the 1990’s! Now Huawei wants to pretend it is a responsible corporate citizen, can’t hide from your past activities!