Today, the US Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) called on the US government to increase funding for chip research and science education, while relaxing the restrictions on skilled migration so that it can cope with China’s massive investment in chip technology. The SIA called on the US government to raise federal funding for Semiconductor research from the current $1.5 billion to $5 billion over the next five years and to double the funding for related fields such as materials science.
SIA also hopes that the government will revise the relevant regulations to help relevant companies to recruit technical staff. In the short term, this means that skilled immigrants from relevant industries in countries such as China and India are more likely to obtain permanent residency in the United States. In the long run, it means increasing investment in education and doubling the number of graduates in science and engineering in the United States by 2029.
Intel, Micron and NVIDIA are all members of SIA. Sanjay Mehrotra, CEO of Micron, said the two practices could increase research funding for US national laboratories, universities and businesses, and create more jobs for graduates just out of school. “It helps to build a talent development channel… and that’s what is needed to maintain the global competitiveness of the industry,” he said.