Only those who have installed the MIUI Global Beta can benefit, but we do not doubt that it will also come on the stable version of one of the most used ROMs in the world: we are talking about the new charging animation that Xiaomi has just introduced.
The rich animation clearly wants to symbolize the speed with which the recharge takes place, showing a sort of “energy flow”, as you can see from the following video demonstration of the 100 Watt recharge.
This new graphic effect is activated by default on MIUI 9.4.11 Global Beta, but it is not the only novelty of this version, which in fact added the possibility to disable all system animations.
The option is in the accessibility section, and is therefore easily activated in a couple of clicks: it could interest all those who would like to improve the performance of their smartphone or those who prefer pure speed and do not want to lose precious seconds every day because of the beautiful but slow animations of MIUI.
Only its not new, its been in ROM for months now.