Even with the tepid sales of the 2018 iPhones, Apple seems to be performing good in its homeland. According to a report from CIRP (Consumer Intelligence Research Partners), iPhones accounted for 36% of US smartphones activations during the first quarter of 2019. This result gave Apple a slight lead over Samsung with its 34%. Next, in line, we can see LG with its 11% and Motorola with a 10% market share.
The new information reveals that Apple is on the way to reconquer its original influence over US market, after a mediocre performance in 2018. However, it is still away from dominating it in comparison to its performance in Q1 of 2016 and 2017 when it peaked at 40% market share. The new results could also express a bump in Apple finances after slumping in Europe, Japan, and China – In this latter market, Apple is now involved in a new problem for allegedly hiding demand of iPhones. Analysts predict a 5% year on year increase in US iPhone revenues, with lowered sales figures in foreign markets.
When it comes to mobile operating systems, Android still has a big dominance in the US, with a 65% share of all device activations against 34% from iOS devices.