For some months now, Google has not updated its Android distribution chart. The adoption rate for its Android 9 Pie system was not entirely fast and as of September 2018, it has not appeared on the distribution chart. Now, the latest distribution chart released by Google shows that Android 9 Pie now occupies 10% of Android’s devices.
Compared to the adoption rate of Android Oreo, Android Pie is not doing badly. In fact, it took Android Oreo 12 months to hit 12.1% while Android Pie has now used 9 months to hit 10%. Looking at the Android Oreo’s performance (8.0 and 8.1), it also grew. As of October 2018, Oreo has 21.5%, now, this system occupies 28.3% of Android devices. Please note that both Android Oreo and Pie are compatible with Project Treble updating existing phones to new Android versions is much easier.
However, there are some systems like Gingerbread and Ice Cream Sandwich that are still on the chart holding 0.3% apiece. These systems are nine and eight years old respectively and based on Android’s 2.5 billion devices, not less than 15 million devices still use these old systems. In fact, the Gingerbread was at 0.2% in October 2018 and now its 0.3%.