Huawei’s internal operating system, HongMeng OS, has not been officially but this system has arrived the trademark registration office in many countries. Now, the Freedom of Competition and Intellectual Property Rights Committee in Peru confirmed receipt of “HongMeng OS” trademark from Huawei on May 27. This is only a few days after the US included Huawei in its “entity list”.
Peru is a Latin American country located in the western part of South America. It has a population of about 32 million. Currently, there are about 5.5 million Huawei mobile phone users in the country. This accounts for over 17% of the total population. However, the trademark department said that the review of trademarks requires Huawei to provide more information and the response time is 9 months.
In addition to China and Peru, Huawei has applied for a registered trademark for “HongMeng OS” in other countries. These include Canada, Mexico, Spain, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Turkey, the Philippines, and some other European countries. According to reports this week, Huawei HongMeng OS has been in secret development for 7 years. It is based on microkernels with Android compatibility layer.
According to Rosenblatt Securities, HongMeng system is 100% compatible with Android and has enhanced security features such as personal data protection. The shipment of HongMeng OS equipment will reach about 1 million units. HongMeng operating system is based on a lightweight micro-kernel. The biggest difficulty in its development is the full compatibility with Android. This was done to minimize the transition cost of users and developers.