Have you ever thought what a motor power a washing machine has? Have you imagined what will happen if put it inside the car? It turns out a formula car can be equipped with such a motor. The company showcased a formula car built with Haier washing machine motor, at the recent Haier conference. The well-known tech giant has teamed up with the Craft-Bamboo Racing team from Hong Kong to jointly build this prototype. The latter is said to come with the motor of the drum washing machine and the battery system as the power source. The power is all derived from the motor of the Haier washing machine.
Initially, the engineers of the Craft-Bamboo Racing team put the motor on the power test instrument to test its output. Then, they made more in-depth tests. As a result, they found out Haier’s washing machine motor can emit 660 watts of power and 45 Nm of torque. They were keeping in mind one goal – to make a Formula car. The racing team deliberately designed and developed an aerodynamic streamlined body to reduce the resistance of air and machinery during driving.
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The car’s R&D personnel made an on-site handover with Fisher & Paykel at the press conference. By the way, we are talking about the research and development brand of Haier Direct Drive Motor. Fisher & Paykel is a manufacturer specializing in high-end motors. Now, this company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Haier.
How Can Haier Make a Formula Car?
“When Haier came to us with the challenge of building a washing machine powered formula car, it sounded like an impossible task, but we remained open-minded and took the challenge head-on. What surprised us the most was the power that the Haier direct drive washing machine motor delivered. We took this motor onto a dyno and we quickly realized this could be done. The engineers really delivered on the project to turn this dream into reality, and with several phases of this project planned, we look forward to the challenges ahead,” said Craft-Bamboo Racing team director Darryl O’Young.