A couple of Chinese OEMs have entered the smartTV market and are doing quite well. Xiaomi is the number one TV brand in China and India. In September last year, OnePlus made it clear that it will enter the Smart TV business. Almost a year down the line, the company has now confirmed the official name and logo for its smart TV brand. As expected, its TV line up will be called “OnePlus TV”. The company said “we are going to call our very first smart TV product “OnePlus TV” – simple yet to-the-point – as we believe there’s no other name that can best represent our value, vision, and pride than naming it with our own brand.”
However, there is no indication if subsequent models will come with numerics, alphabets or both. Because the company obviously need to differentiate the multiple models it will have in the future. In addition to the name, OnePlus also unveiled a new logo for the OnePlus TV lineup. Concerning the logo, OnePlus said
“…you can tell from the poster below to help us illustrate how we created it. The gap between the “+” and the logo edge is twice as the one between the “+” and the letter “T”, which is also twice as the one between “T” and “V”. We were inspired by classic geometric progression, which can be seen from so many classic art forms, such as the ancient Hindu symbol, the mandala, and the famous ancient Greek temple, Heraion of Argos.”
The OnePlus TV logo also comes with the same thickness for all the writeup. A situation the company claims represent “symmetry” and “unity”.
While we await the launch of OnePlus TV, perhaps in September, the company may as well release two models. According to a recent certification listing, OnePlus will have Smart TVs between 43 and 75 inches. In addition, the panels will also vary between LCD and OLED. Furthermore, the first batch of OnePlus TVs will be for the Chinese, American and Indian markets.