After the fiasco of the Samsung Galaxy Fold, Huawei again delays the launch of its foldable mobile. Some rumors talked about the launch of the Mate X during the month of August. Later it was confirmed that the launch would not take place until mid or late September. Now the company itself confirms that the phone will not be ready for next month, but by the end of the year, with a view to launching massively during the first quarter of 2020.
The Huawei Mate X will be presented in November with some design changes
This is what Huawei has done today during a press conference with the media in China. The well-known medium TechRadar confirms what has been rumored for some time now: the Huawei Mate X will be delayed again no less than until the month of November.
According to various sources, the reason for the delay is due to the redesign of some parts of the phone. Components such as the screen or the release button have been redesigned both in shape and resistance. Now the folding panel of the terminal has a protective sheet made of a material similar to polycarbonate.
Another detail that TechRadar has highlighted mentions the possibility of including even more screens than the original model presented at the beginning. Apparently, the company would have chosen to implement glass on the back of the device instead of aluminum. Which would lead to a possible implementation of three or more screens.
Recall that today the Mate X has a single 8-inch screen in tablet format. Whose fold gives rise to two screens in mobile format of 6.6 and 6.38 inches. We will have to wait, therefore, for the reissue of the phone that will take place, if the plans follow their course, in mid-November. The commercialization of the device, of course, could take place during the months of March or April. Coinciding with the Chinese spring festival.