Back in June reports emerged about a new Coolpad device that would reach the market as Coolpad N10 Pro. The device is expected to boast a Snapdragon 7xx series SoC, 4000mAh battery and triple-rear camera setup. Today, the referred handset has finally made its way to TENAA in a listing that includes specs details and images.
According to TENAA’s listing the Coolpad N10 Pro has SAC-A0 model number and got its certification on September 4. Furthermore, the device sports a 6.3-inch display with 2340×1080 resolution. Under the hood, it carries a 2.2GHz Octa-Core chipset, which is likely the Snapdragon 710 according to past rumors.
The camera department is composed of a 16MP + 5MP + 8MP triple camera setup arranged vertically on the left. On the front, there is a 16MP selfie snapper which is placed inside the display’s top waterdrop notch. Worth noting that the attached images reveal the phone has a camera bump and a red circle around the LED flash.
Moving once again to the back, the handset sports a fingerprint scanner. TENAA listing reveals two variants with 4GB/64GB and 6GB/128GB. Interesting enough, the device will still ship with microSD card support. The Coolpad N10 Pro will run Android 9 Pie straight out of the box, which is already outdated. It also boasts a 3930mAh battery (4000mAh). The dimensions are 156.4 x 74.4 x 7.9 mm and the device weighs 168.7 grams. It will be available in Green and Raspberry Red color options.
Unfortunately, there’s still no info from Coolpad regarding a launch date. However, a leaked memo popped-out in June teasing the launch of new Coolpad phones in September. We’re already in September and hopefully, the Coolpad N10 Pro will be among these new devices.