The long-standing issues between the US and Huawei have become a constant topic of discussion. In fact, Huawei’s CEO, Rei Zhengfei has been so vocal since the US placed a ban on Huawei. Recently, Ren Zhengfei said that it is a fact that Huawei can survive without the supply of the US. According to him, a large number of Western companies already has products without US parts. This boosts their confidence.
He believes that Huawei can turn to some of these companies and their supply has been consistent. He, however, did not mention any specific company. “It is estimated that our financial statements will be better in the first half of next year, and it will not be bad. Can we survive without the supply of the United States completely? It should be a fact…We can still use American parts and components if they are available.” Ren Zhengfei said.
Ren Zhengfei still hopes that the United States will resume supply. He said that because he has been with friends of Western companies for 30 years, some companies still want to do business. The ban on Huawei is already affecting some American companies. Huawei is Microns largest customer, its Q4 2019 fiscal net profit plunged by 87%.