Xiaomi is not just a smartphone company, it is a lifestyle brand that makes many many more products in a variety of categories. This is already common knowledge in China but the same cannot be said in India. The company, however, has recently started foraying into more and more categories in the Indian market as well. This also holds true for China. Case in point, Xiaomi just started selling mineral water bottles today. And we’re not sure what to call it but this water is coming from a cold water spring in Mohe city, situated in Northern China.
One bottle costs roughly $0.35 or 2.5 Yuan and contains 300ml and Xiaomi sells 24 of them for $8.3 or 59.9 Yuan. As per legal guidelines in China, the water must not contain added artificial ingredients. Xiaomi’s mineral water contains a balanced amount of calcium, potassium and magnesium which are essential minerals for the human body.
Just recently, the company started selling water purifiers in India along with TDS water testers.