Last month, the Huawei Mate 30 series arrived in Europe. However, the biggest concern for users is the lack of Google services. In an interview with Fortune magazine, Ren Zhengfei accepted that it is not possible to use Google Services on the Mate 30 series. According to him, the ban by the US will reduce Huawei’s terminal sales revenue by $10 billion in Europe. He describes this effect as “not much impact”.
He said: “For us, it doesn’t have much impact…the US has more to worry about. Our 5G core network is strong and we have no need for US parts supply. Although the end product ecosystem will feel the effect of the ban, we believe that this effect will be completely eliminated in two or three years.”
Huawei already has its own Harmony OS (or HongMeng OS). For now, this system is basically for IoT devices. According to Ren Zhengfei, Harmony OS will be on par with Apple’s iOS in two to three years. It requires a lot of work to build a system. The iOS system has over 2 million apps presently and it has millions of registered developers. We don’t exactly know how Huawei hopes to attract such numbers to its system. However, the company says that it will only develop the Harmony OS if the US ban persists.