5G is still giving its first steps in the Globe, with its major strongholds being in China and in the US. The next-gen network will have a major boost in the next year, especially with the advent of midrange devices packing the new network standards. We know that there are several countries where the development of 5G networks is yet to make out of the paper, however, we may see developed countries getting 5G ready by 2020. The network should reach its peak by 2025. Despite the infancy of 5G, there are some talks about 6G, the next new standard. The Chinese company, Vivo has just filed a patent for 6G.
Don’t hold your breath network enthusiast! This new patent doesn’t have anything related to the next network standard, it’s just a logo design. The Chinese smartphone maker applied to have a design for its 6G logo registered by the EU Intellectual Property Office. While 6G is only expected for 2030, Vivo wants to keep its idea for a 6G logo safe. Interestingly enough, Vivo’s logo is a nice one. We have the “6G” characters decorated with four diagonal stripes to possibly depict the supersonic speeds of 6G.
It’s still too soon to talk about the technical specifications of 6G. We still have a long way to trace with 5G, the current standard that will keep evolving in the coming years. Despite this, Vivo is one of the leading firms in 6G technology research and development, participating in the industry’s B5G / 6G seminar. It’s not so strange since Huawei also started the development of its 6G business, according to Ren Zhengfei. But he further endorsed that the new technology will take 10-years to come.