Google Chrome will identify if a website is slow or fast to load

Google browser is constantly receiving updates that, in many cases, are loaded with interesting features and improvements. A few weeks ago, for example, we inform you that Chrome is preparing to synchronize the clipboard between several devices and recently we have seen how it launched the dark theme on Android and how it released a new menu for managing images and links.

Now, in the Chromium blog, Google has reported a future feature that, on the one hand, will notify users when a website is slow to load, and on the other, it will reward those websites that offer quick experiences with a clear badging.

Google Chrome: Moving towards a faster web

Google is testing, as we say, a new system to identify the speed at which websites are loaded in Chrome. So that the user can know if a page loads quickly or slowly. Google’s intention is to show the user a status that lets them know when a page is likely to be slow depending on their device and network conditions.

When you visit a website that is identified as being slow to load. You will be shown a message saying “Usually loads slow” on the loading screen. On the other hand, when you visit a site that typically loads fast. You will see a green progress indicator, instead of blue on sites that load slow.

However, Google says its plan to identify sites that are fast or slow will be carried out gradually. And based on increasingly stringent criteria that may include other factors besides speed.

In any case, it recommends that developers begin to optimize the performance of their pages. Using resources from Google itself, such as PageSpeed ​​Insights, an online tool with speed data. Besides Lighthouse which is another tool that provides personalized advice to improve a site Web.

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1 Comment

  1. Sss Sss
    November 13, 2019

    S10price re