A couple of months ago, Chinese manufacturer, Xiaomi, released the Redmi Note 8 Pro with the gaming-centric chipset, Helio G90T. However, in recent times, there have been rumors that the company will release a Snapdragon version of this device. Well, these reports have been laid to rest. Yesterday, Lu Weibing, the general manager of the Redmi brand said there will be no Snapdragon-powered Redmi Note 8 Pro.
In response to a Weibo post “I heard that Redmi Note 8 Pro has a Snapdragon version, Snapdragon 730G, 27W fast charge, and an on-screen fingerprint sensor”.
Lu Weibing replied: “No.”
Just this month, a new Xiaomi model M1912G7BE passed the 3C certification. It is produced by Nanjing Yinghuada and comes standard with the same charger of Xiaomi Mi 9. It also supports 27W fast charge. We do not know the true identity of this device but some believe that it belongs to the Redmi series.
There is also another model (M1911U2E) which may be the upcoming Redmi K30 5G. This smartphone will be the first 5G mobile phone from Redmi. It supports SA/NSA dual-mode 5G. Thus, it is also the first 5G dual-mode mobile phone of Xiaomi.
According to Lu Weibing, the company will adhere to high quality in the 5G era. The Redmi K30 will probably be Xiaomi’s first 5G smartphone for 2020. Recall that Xiaomi’s CEO, Lei Jun, said that the company will release 10 5G smartphones next year. In addition, he also said that all devices with price tag above 2000 yuan ($285) will support 5G.
10 smartphones… lol…