Cleaning smartphones is mandatory but many do not do that. New research disclosed that 23% of Americans have never cleaned their phones. With this ratio, men exceed women: approximately 26% of them have not cleaned their phones. At the same time, only 20% of female respondents (out of 1000) have never cleaned their smartphones. To find out how dirty most phones are, researchers estimate that a frequently used smartphone that has never been cleaned may carry more bacteria than an entire home bathroom.
Also Read: Smartphone Addiction: Study Shows Young People Depend On Smartphones
According to Vital Vio, a healthcare solutions company, smartphones can often be infected by various types of bacteria such as streptococci, staphylococci, and E. coli. So cleaning smartphones is a must.
Moreover, when people’s both hands are busy, 41% of them surely say that they put their phones in their mouths. Furthermore, the majority of the respondents (51%) answers that they even put their keys in their mouths. Credit cards (54% of respondents) and cash (34% of respondents) are not exceptions.
It is more dangerous to take phones to a dirty place such as bathrooms since this is the most common way to keep them dirty. Unfortunately, 88% of Americans have this bad habit. 46% of Americans even take their phones to public toilets. Women are more likely to do so rather than men: 90% against 85%. It is interesting to mention that parents (93%) rather than non-parents (83%) are more likely to answer calls in the bathroom. The explanation is that parents used toilets to overcome stress.
Besides phones, keyboards are also infectious. Although 48% of Americans eat lunch at their desks, very few of them think about cleaning it.
One of the terrible things is that half of Americans prefer to eat in public transport. Although nobody will eat in the bathrooms. However, according to surveys, public transport can even be dirtier than your bathrooms.
Based on the abovementioned statistical ratios, Americans need to strengthen their cleaning effort in order to avoid bad consequences connected to their health.