Microsoft Xbox Series X have a really poor design review [Update]

Microsoft officially announced the next generation of Xbox (Xbox Series X) at yesterday’s Game Awards. From the official trailer of this device, it uses a cuboid shape and looks more like a PC. It will be on sale during the holiday of 2020. The Xbox Series X has a rectangular parallelepiped shape, and the top is a central recessed vent hole. The front Xbox Logo key is the power button. The lower left is the optical drive key and the optical drive position while the lower right is a standard USB interface.

Microsoft Xbox Series X

The official said that the “X series” console will be Microsoft’s fastest and most powerful game console. It sets a new standard for performance, speed, and compatibility, allowing backward compatibility for thousands of games. Its industrial design provides four times the processing power of the Xbox One X. This console supports both vertical and horizontal placement.

Microsoft Xbox Series X

However, netizens are far from impressed with the design of the Microsoft Xbox Series X. Interestingly, its major rival, Sony PlayStation 5 has a similar bad design review from enthusiasts. These devices have been portrayed as refrigerators, Piestars, trash cans, ashtrays and more.

[Update] The PlayStation 5 does not exactly have a bad design because we don’t even know what it looks like for now. Nevertheless, it appears that the mockery of the Microsoft Xbox Series X design instigated some “mischief makers” to also mimick the upcoming PS5 design in a bad light. 

See some absolutely hilarious images of the Xbox Series X

Hillarious images of Microsoft Xbox Series X

The Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 are highly anticipated gaming consoles.  There are a number of features that users can concentrate on rather than the design. However, nobody wants to have an ugly looking console sitting in the sitting room while entertaining some guests. In all, the Xbox Series X might just overshadow its design.

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  1. Rayyan CW
    December 14, 2019

    That PS5 totally a photoshop, just look at the PS logo

    • Cyril Dieudonne
      December 14, 2019

      It’s a fridge man… OF COURSE IT IS A PHOTOSHOP…
      I hope second degree is coming back in 2020, it starts to exhaust me to read such comments…

    • Rayyan CW
      December 15, 2019

      Then how come the writer said ps5 design was bad if that’s not the genuine one? However, now the title changed I’m relieved

  2. Guest
    December 14, 2019

    Ps5 is a dev kit not final design.

  3. Kev Car
    December 14, 2019

    The picture of the PS5 is actually a refrigerator. If you insult the XSX then you insult PC users. If you say the PS5 looks nice it is noticable that’s why I don’t want to have it. It is a distraction from the game. Looks don’t matter, games matter. Looks of the console that is.

  4. B R
    December 15, 2019

    Could give a F&($ how it looks. More interested in how it performs.

  5. B R
    December 15, 2019

    Just the fact that you’re worrying about the look of a console shows how you have no clue what matters to the gaming customer. Write about something else

    • ClanPsi
      December 15, 2019

      We aren’t consumers, we are customers. There is a massive difference and it’s in your best interest to learn the difference.

    • B R
      December 15, 2019

      Haha might want to learn it yourself.

      customer buys products from businesses, while a consumer uses the business products. You can actually be both a customer and a consumer in a business transaction.

      Good luck in life fella

    • Brandon Newlin
      December 22, 2019

      You both could use a little X series Square deldo lmfao it’s just a game system not real life You both need a reality check maybe even get laid once in a while for god sake

  6. RogueGhost OracleGamer
    December 15, 2019

    Why are people so worried about the design rather than the specs,fps, and gaming capability………..wrong thing to concern yourself with.

    • Brandon Newlin
      December 22, 2019

      Because the design sucks and it looks like a giant square deldo

  7. syra desalvo
    December 15, 2019

    Terrible article, the final design of the ps5 hasn’t been released yet, hack writing.

  8. Snowy
    December 15, 2019

    Also, how is the ps5 ‘design’ being thrown under the bus already when it hasn’t even been shown yet?! Totally ill informed piece of journalism

    • ClanPsi
      December 15, 2019

      This isn’t journalism.

  9. Kofibaryeh
    December 15, 2019

    Ps5 hasn’t been shown yet so what are you on about?

  10. Robert Roskey
    December 15, 2019

    Not gonna lie, a couple of those are funny. But having said that it still looks better than the PlayStation 5 urinal edition. All I care about is how the thing works. If it cools efficiently and doesnt sound like a jet engine in full after burner like other consoles I could give a F how it looks. Regardless I think it looks fine, I’ll take function over form all day long and I guarantee this thing is going to work like a dream and be whisper quiet.

    • ClanPsi
      December 15, 2019

      The PS5 design hasn’t been shown yet. You need to drop this blind brand loyalty BS, bud. It makes you look like a tool.

  11. Dan Irish
    December 15, 2019

    Personally I love the way it looks …would lave an xbox standup fridge in a scaled up version as well…..

    • Brandon Newlin
      December 22, 2019


  12. Valefree
    December 16, 2019

    Why call it a bad design, then compare it to the GameCube? And the PS5 isn’t even out yet, what a throwaway article.

  13. Valefree
    December 16, 2019

    Why call it a bad design, then compare it to the GameCube? What sense does that make? And the PS5 isn’t even revealed yet…what a throwaway negative article. Series X is a bad name but a good design, get over it.

  14. Jordan Broly
    December 16, 2019

    Dissin’ on something that hasn’t even been revealed…… Who hires these clowns

  15. Richard Pendlebury
    December 16, 2019

    I immediately liked the Xbox stand up design when I saw it. Regardless I will buy a new Xbox and a ps5 whatever they end up looking like. I think that how they work and the hours of enjoyment they will offer to my family are the most important factors that matter.

    • Cyril Dieudonne
      December 16, 2019

      I would do the same… if PS5 wouldn’t cost 900€

  16. jeremy ross
    December 16, 2019

    Looks fine, I just wanna play on it. Plus ppl makenzie it out to be bigger then it is, 2 gamecube stacked on top one another is pretty small. Specially for the power packed inside. Gimme gimme gimme

  17. Mohit Singh
    December 16, 2019

    I loved Xbox’s monolithic design, and you guys just make fun of anything. This meme culture is like pick up anything and make fun of it.

  18. Mohit Singh
    December 16, 2019

    PS fanboys everywhere

  19. Allan Cameron
    December 16, 2019

    What a stupid article. You’re writing this as though everybody hates it which is not the case. In fact most people I talk to and videos on YouTube I watch actually love the new modern design. For those who don’t like the tower footprint it can easily be put on its side as stated by Microsoft. At the end of the day does not matter how it looks, what matters is performance and this new design is to accommodate that.

  20. ados sanchez
    December 16, 2019

    What a ps5 fuck boy

  21. Adeleye Sanni
    December 21, 2019

    Who cares about design, it’s what is under the hood what concerns me

  22. Nathan Winder
    December 21, 2019

    They are referencing the PS5 V design which is very likely not the design even if it is close. Secondly it’s a different shaped rectangle and that somehow makes it a PC? How does this make it bad even if you agree? I don’t understand anything about how people react to either console at all. The only thing that is not opinion about the consoles is the networks. I own both and Xbox live is light years ahead of PlayStation Network which is embarrassingly awful.

  23. Ronald Mendoza
    December 22, 2019

    Had a blast reading this article xbox really looks like a mini fridge and a garbage can….xbox hell no screw you guys at Microsoft liars what ever happen to project scorpio vr?????? Wasted money and time and never came ps they at least tried and it work and that still out there been fun and cant wait for the new vr system they have for us in the future