Germany is preparing to face once and for all the Huawei case and the involvement of the Chinese company in the development of the country’s 5G infrastructure.
According to Reuters sources, it seems that Chancellor Angela Merkel will meet representatives of the Conservatives – of which she herself is a part – to decide definitively whether to support or reject the proposal of the Social Democrats – part of the government coalition – who indirectly request the expulsion of Huawei from this field.
Following the events related to the ban imposed by the United States, several countries have begun to evaluate the possibility of terminating relations with Huawei. In addition to preventing the Chinese company from taking part in the construction of strategically important 5G infrastructures. The US is carrying out a campaign to convince the allies in order to isolate Huawei.
Huawei 5G: The US is pushing on all allies to break off relations with Huawei
In fact, remember that 5G technology will also play a fundamental role in the future of military communications, which is why it is absolutely necessary to be sure that the network infrastructure does not have any weak points or any backdoors that can favor an external country, such as China.
The German government aims to strengthen the rules and safety requirements for all suppliers without excluding one specifically, but the Social Democrats aim instead to expel companies without constitutional supervision. The Conservatives, for their part, are divided on whether or not to accept the “less stringent” requirements suggested by the government, given that a good part of the party is in favor of the Social Democratic proposal.
In short, Germany is at a crossroads and its decision to accept Huawei offers or not could have implications for the whole European Union, since it is impossible that its position could go unnoticed to others members.