Vivo is gearing up to launch at least three smartphones in the coming weeks as per the certifications we have come across so far. In the past few days, two phones with model number Vivo V1950A and Vivo V1963A have surfaced on the web, out of which the former is rumoured to be a Snapdragon 865 version of Vivo Nex 3 5G and the latter is thought to be an unknown Snapdragon 765-powered mid-range 5G smartphone. Among these two, a new device with model number Vivo V1955A popped today on 3C database with support for 55W fast charging, as reported by Playfuldroid.
This is the first time we are hearing about a Vivo smartphone with model number V1955A. According to the 3C listing, this device will come bundled with a V550L0A0-CN charger, which will be capable of charging the phone at the rate of up to 55W. Considering that, this mysterious smartphone is definitely a high-end model since this is the fastest charging support we have ever seen on a Vivo smartphone. The last one was the Snapdragon 855-powered Vivo iQOO gaming smartphone from last year with 44W fast charging. Going by that, the Vivo V1955A could be the long-rumoured iQOO 3 with Snapdragon 865 and dual-mode 5G.
If the V1955A is indeed the Vivo iQOO 3, then it might come with an AMOLED display with an in-screen fingerprint sensor and high refresh rate, a larger battery, and a minimum of triple rear cameras.