Apple is many months behind so far as 5G development is concerned. However, analysts still believe that Apple will still catch up with 5G Android devices. According to reports, Apple will not only release 5G iPhones this year, it is also preparing the Apple 5G iPad. There are also reports that the 5G iPad will arrive with Apple’s 2020 iPhones in the second half of 2020 (H2 2020). These devices will support the 5G network.
According to previous reports, Apple now has a new component supplier for the 5G iPad. In addition, a Taiwanese component company, ASE Semiconductor, is now part of the supply chain. Reports from an insider believe that ASE will use the FC_AiP (Flip Chip Antenna Package) technology to help Apple’s mmWave 5G iPhone and 5G iPad.
The report predicts that Apple will update the iPad Pro in the first half of 2020, with 5G models likely to debut later this year. Earlier, Tianfeng International analyst Guo Minghao, pointed out that Apple will release the new iPad Pro in the first half of 2020. This phone should come with a rear ToF lens, etc. As of now, there is no official information on the upcoming iPhones and iPad.