Yesterday. Realme launched its flagship Realme X50 smartphone in the Indian market. It seems like the company is now working on its next lineup namely Realme 6. Realme 6i recently made its way to the FCC listing while Realme India CEO Madhav Sheth already teased the Realme 6 device. Sheth tweeted a photo on his official Twitter handle. Fortunately for us, the tweet revealed few key details on the upcoming device.
Realme 6 to Come with 64MP Primary Camera
After bringing you the best of Tech World, now it’s time to bring to you the best of Entertainment World.
Bhai @BeingSalmanKhan, @realmemobiles apka swagat karta hai!
Share your excitement using #realmeSalman & get a chance to win upcoming #realme phone.— Madhav 5G (@MadhavSheth1) February 25, 2020
In the recent tweet, Sheth posted a photo of himself with Bollywood superstar Salman Khan. The caption of the tweet mentions ‘Best of Entertainment World’ suggesting the next device might offer immersive multimedia experience. Sadly, there is no information on what specific or group of features will offer that.
Coming to the photo, it seems to be taken from the upcoming Realme 6 smartphone if we go by the watermark on the left bottom side. Furthermore, the watermark reveals that the device will come with a 64MP AI Quad camera module. With that said, this is not the first time we’re hearing about this device.
As per the previous leaks, Realme 6 will come with MediaTek Helio G90 chipset. The device should come with an ultrawide lens, macro lens and depth sensor apart from 64MP primary sensor. The device will run on the latest Android 10 operating system based on Realme UI. Other specifications include dual-band WiFi, USB Type-C port and a physical fingerprint sensor on the back.
Launch, Availability
A couple of days ago, the device was spotted on Flipkart – an Indian e-commerce website. This points towards the possible launch in the coming days. If that’s true, then we should hear more about the device in the coming days. Coming to the pricing, we’re speculating the price to be somewhere around INR 10,000 (roughly $139).