It has been five months since Android 10 was released to the public. Unfortunately, as always, Android OEMs are taking their sweet time to update their devices to the latest version of Android. Some of the devices like Mi A2 Lite and ROG Phone 2 should have received the Android 10 update even earlier than others as the former is an Android One phone, whereas the other one is a flagship gaming smartphone. The recent COVID-19 outbreak hasn’t helped the whole situation either. However, these two devices have just started to receive the update now.
The Mi A2 Lite, a rebranded Redmi 6 Pro was announced alongside the Mi A2 for the European market with Android Oreo onboard. The phone was later updated to Android Pie and has now finally received its last major update, Android 10. The latest update for the device with build number QDLMIXM weighs 1.1 GB and is being seeded out to users in a staged manner.
On the other hand, the most high-rated gaming smartphone of 2019, the ASUS ROG Phone 2 has also started receiving its much-awaited Android 10 update whose beta builds have been out for a while. Nevertheless, the stable update is being now seeded by the company over-the-air and we expect it to reach all users within a few days. The update will bump up the ZenUI version to 6, which is no different than the previous version.