The spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) is profoundly changing the habits of the population and, unfortunately, it is no longer a problem only in a specific geographical area, but rather a pandemic. The obligation to stay at home to counter the spread of the virus has led to an increase in network traffic, part of which is attributable to remote working and e-learning activities, alongside other activities such as online gaming sessions and the streaming content.
Europe takes note of the increase of data moving on the net these days and asked the managers of the major streaming platforms to consider whether to reduce the quality of service so not to jam the network, compromising the performance of basic activities (think of the aforementioned remote work activities or health services). The europian union has urged to take all measures to ensure regular Internet access.
Netflix and YouTube could switch to SD quality during COVID-19 crisis
Regarding the streaming platforms such as Netflix and YouTube, Europe asks to consider the possibility of providing the streaming service only in standard resolution (SD quality), renouncing the higher one; at the same time, it addresses end-users inviting them to use them responsibly.
Streaming platforms, telephone operators and users, we all have a joint responsibility in taking measures to ensure the proper functioning of the Internet during the battle against the spread of the virus.
No specific measures have yet been taken by the operators of the streaming platforms but, as reported by Reuters, there was already talk with Netflix’s CEO, to ask at least for the transition to the standard definition during peak hours. Europe’s stance comes when Vodafone signaled a massive increase in data traffic during the Coronavirus emergency (+ 50% in some areas).
In Italy, the first European nation to be hit hard by the pandemic, some studies show a huge increase in WiFi data traffic at the end of February, but the Government is moving quickly to avoid the overload risk of the network.