Paris hospitals has suffered a denial of service attack on Sunday, in the midst of a health crisis. This paralyzed internet access to several services for more than an hour. The Paris Hospital complex which weighs several billion euros and employs more than 100,000 people through 39 public hospitals located in Paris region, was hit hard by a cyber attack on Sunday, March 22, as confirmed by the French-Press agency. An inevitably painful episode when the establishments already have a lot to do to manage the health crisis caused by the coronavirus.
Coronavirus: Denial of service attack hit Paris hospitals

This cyber attack took the form of a denial of service (DDoS) attack targeting two Internet addresses. If you are not very familiar with the terms of IT security, a DDoS attack consists of sending a very large number of simultaneous requests, with the aim of causing saturation, overloading the servers, thus causing breakdown, or at least a strong disruption of the service.
This Sunday’s attack could have had quite disastrous consequences when one is aware of the context. Fortunately, the attack only lasted an hour. An official from the Information Systems Security Agency (ANSSI) confirms that the access has returned to normal.
The situation quickly returned to normal and the infrastructure was not affected. The service provider had a good reflex to reduce internet access to have more room for maneuver. And thus better manage the situation. This was not without consequences at the time, since external access to Skype, and other applications were temporarily blocked.
All access outside Europe to the digital services of Public Assistance – Hospitals of Paris were blocked, which stopped the attack, which obviously did not come from the Old Continent. IT technicians were able to gradually restore internet access.
An investigation has already been opened by the Paris Prosecutor’s Office to find out the party responsible for the attack