Google also offers the ability to buy or rent movies and TV shows from the Play Store. Since 2012, this section is available in several countries. The pricing strategy has not changed, so many still consider it a relatively costly service. But, in some countries, discounts are quite often offered. Now there should be a new feature that will offer watching movies and other content for free.
Google Play Movies with Ads
We could say that this service is facing difficulties because of the competition with Netlfix, HBO Go, and the others, where a relatively reasonable monthly payment with full content availability is set up.
Now, Google platform will receive a new feature, which we will not find even with the above mentioned Netflix service. This is a free watching option with ads. The current version of Google Play Movies 4.18.37 includes several lines of code to indicate that we will see something like this soon.
<stringname="athome_add_birthdate_to_watch">Add birthdate to watch</string><stringname="athome_free_with_ads">Free with ads</string><stringname="athome_free_with_ads_description">Hundreds of movies, just a few ads</string><stringname="athome_introduce_free_movies">Introducing</string><stringname="athome_watch_free_with_ads">Watch free with ads</string>
Here it is clearly defined that it will be possible to watch hundreds of movies just for viewing ads. It is unclear whether the ads will be while watching or you will have to endure a few ads at the beginning of the movie. The question is whether all or some of the content will be available.
Maybe this is just the first change, and perhaps Google will set up a subscription to compete with streaming services. After all, the Play Store already has content subscriptions, but this only applies to apps and games. It would make more sense here. We will have to wait a while for the introduction of this new feature and especially for the conditions or restrictions.