On April 1, IGN released an interview podcast with the person in charge of Xbox, Phil Spencer. In the interview, the Head of Xbox revealed a lot of surprises and also talked about his views on PS5.
Phil Spencer said that despite the epidemic, China’s supply chain has been restored. So the Xbox Series X’s hardware has progressed normally without delay. If any delays really occur, it will be related to the software. However, this too little possibility that this will happen.
He was also asked what he thinks of the PS5 announced a few days ago. He said: ‘When we finally saw the public disclosure, I felt even better about the choices that we made on our platform. And I kind of expected that I would. The hardware team that did Xbox One S and Xbox One X, I just have a lot of confidence in them. If I give them the time and the targets to go hit, I believe in their ability to create a great end-to-end program.’
In addition, Phil Spencer also revealed his views on the pricing of the Xbox Series X. He said that he was satisfied with the price of the new Xbox. He believed that this was a successful pricing strategy and would ensure their sensitivity in pricing.
Also Read: PS5 And Xbox Series X Will Cost Less Than $500, According To An Analyst
Though Microsoft’s gaming console will be packed with the top-end hardware, it won’t break the bank. Indeed, he mentions that ‘a learning from the XboxOne generation is we will not be out of position on power or price’. In other words, it should be very competitive with the PS5 price.
What a pleb, GTFO with yo consolewar click-bait headline, they really do be letting anything pass as “news..
Poor PS5, its gonna get slaughtered.