The latest gaming consoles from Sony and Microsoft will arrive at the end of the year. There is a race to the finish line between these manufacturers and on paper, Microsoft seems to be ahead. Microsoft has revealed more about the Xbox Series X compared to Sony with the PlayStation 5. Microsoft has also confirmed that the Xbox Series X will support optical tracking and VRS (Variable Rate Shading) technology. These technologies are new and we don’t know what they will offer.
However, former engineer, Matt Hargett, believes that Sony will have some pleasant surprises at launch. As for the VRS, Hargett explained why Sony has been reluctant to confirm the technology. He said that VRS is a “hard-to-speak technology” – whether it brings benefits or disadvantages depends on the game. Thus, it is not a straight-forward technology. Its benefits not only depends on the game but also on the scene of the game.
“That’s right. VRS is a new DX12 feature that allows developers to change the shading rate within a single frame, and selectively reduce the level of detail in some areas of the screen, including deep shadows. When it is active, it improves the game performance, however, there is no noticeable effect on image quality”.
VRS technology can improve performance and reduce image quality. This technology gives developers some flexibility. Its performance depends on what the game developers choose.
In addition to the VRS technology, Matt Hargett also said Sony Playstation 5 has a lot of features that are not public. According to him, the PlayStation may seem worse than XSX on paper, however, when all the specs are public, we may want to review our stand.
In all, we can not talk about the practical experience of either of the consoles (PS5 & XSX). We will have to wait a few months for these devices to arrive.