Apple’s iPhone SE 2020 has been teased to be available soon on Flipkart. The handset that was released on April 15th, is the latest budget offering from the company. It is priced in India at Rs.42,500.
Going into the details, the Flipkart mobile ppp has a poster inside the mobiles section of the app that shows the iPhone SE with a tagline ‘coming soon’. On clicking the poster, a reminder notification pops up asking details of our e-mail ID and Contact number. If we recall, Apple had earlier said that the device will be available in India sometime during the month of May.
As we mentioned earlier, the device launched back in April 15th through a press release on Apple’s Newsroom website. However, the device has not been available for sale yet due to the nation-wide lockdown to curb COVID-19. Recently, the Government of India had relaxed the guidelines of the lockdown, allowing smartphone sales to resume in designated areas.
As a result, e-commerce websites are resuming the sale of electronic goods in Green and Orange areas as per the Government’s guidelines and the iPhone SE 2020 listing indicates it could go for sale anytime now. Additionally, the poster of iPhone SE 2020 has a ‘Flipkart Unique’ branding on it meaning the online sales could be exclusive to Flipkart at least for now.
Talking about the specifications of the device, iPhone SE 2020 has the same shell and design as the iPhone 8. However, under the hood, it has the latest Apple A13 Bionic Chip inside. The display is a 4.7-inch Retina HD panel and has a 7MP selfie snapper on the front with a Touch-ID sensor at the bottom.
On the back, it has a 12MP f/1.8 primary camera capable of recording 4K video at 60fps. Apple never disclosed details about the RAM and battery inside but a retail listing suggested that it has a 3GB of RAM and 1821mAh battery, the same as the iPhone 8. It comes in three colors: White, Black and Product RED. The handset starts at Rs.42,999 for 64GB variant. Other storage variants, 128GB and 256GB are priced at Rs.47,800 and Rs.58,300 respectively.