After launching the 4k game streaming option in March, Google has now enabled the support for 1440p mode on its cloud streaming platform, Stadia. For those who’re unaware, the service initially launched with 1080p cap. With the new 1440p option, players can now enjoy the sweet middle-resolution sport for their gaming needs.
We have already seen numerous gamers going with 1440p with their hardware since it offers a better gaming experience. The 4K experience, on the other hand, is not suitable for everyone because of the high costs of supported hardware. Well, if you have a 2K or 1440p resolution display and a supported smartphone, then you can easily enjoy Stadia games driving more pixels. The 2K addition will also come in handy for those who generally face fluctuating internet connections.
Even though you have 4K supported hardware, you can still switch to 1440p gaming whenever your internet is giving you a hard time. In such scenarios, the new resolution will definitely come in handy.
Google Stadia Adds New Games to the Library
Apart from just announcing the new resolution capabilities, the search engine giant has also added few games to the Stadia portfolio. Starting this week, users can now get their hands on two new games namely Jotun: Valhalla Edition and Sundered: Eldritch Edition. The former comes with a price tag of $14.99 while the latter will set you back $19.99.
With Jotun, you can enter into the world of Norse mythology exploring beautiful animated world. The Sundered, on the other hand, delivers eye-popping 2D art experience to the table. Google has also announced four more popular titles to the Stadia platform. We’re looking at The Elder Scrolls Online which will hit the store on June 16. Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermatch edition is already up for grabs for a price tag of $59.99.
Lastly, we’re looking at PUBG Ranked Mode and The Crew 2: Hobbies. With the Ranked Mode in PUBG, players can now enjoy the game under a different competitive set of rules. The new game mode will include 64 total players, no Red zones and best loot more readily available. Furthermore, you will see no AI or bots in this mode making things more competitive than before. it comes to an open-world racing game, The Crew 2 is one of the popular ones out there. Well, you can now enjoy the title on Stadia for a price tag of $49.99.