With the expansion of 5G network coverage and the increase of 5G smartphones, the number of 5G users is also increasing. The world’s first was South Korea, which launched 5G commercial services. So it’s quite logical that tis 5G users have been steadily increasing.
South Korean 5G Users
Data released by the Ministry of Science and Information and Communication Technology of South Korea show that at the end of May this year, South Korea’s 5G subscribers exceeded 6.9 million. In other words, this is an increase of 600,000 from the 6.3 million at the end of April.
5G users reached 6.9 million and this means that the proportion of 5G users among South Korean mobile communication users has reached 10%. As you can calculate yourself, there are currently 69 million mobile communication users in South Korea.
South Korea is the first country in the world to launch 5G commercial services. Their 5G commercial services for individual consumers were launched on April 3 last year. But on December 1, 2018, they have begun to provide 5G services to enterprise users.
After the introduction of 5G commercial services for individual consumers, the number of 5G users in South Korea has been steadily increasing. On the 69th day after the launch, that is, on June 10, 5G users exceeded 1 million; in August last year (August 4-August 10), its 5G users exceeded 2 million; in early September, it exceeded 3 million; in October, number of 5G users reached 3.98 million, close to 4 million; in February this year, it exceeded 5 million.
With the expansion of 5G networks and the introduction of more 5G smartphones, especially driven by Samsung’s upcoming Galaxy Note 20 series, analysts expect South Korean 5G users to reach 10 million by the end of the year.
5G Development
5G has the characteristics of high speed, low latency, and large connections. Lower speeds convey information and higher bandwidths convey emotions. But 5G may bring us greater changes in emotions, communication, and production work. Low latency can play a great role in the remote control. The value of big connections lies in the interconnection of all things and the intelligent connection of all things.
In fact, there are 60 to 70 5G commercial networks in the world. There should be 170 networks by 2020. 5G commercial flywheels are turning faster and faster. The development of five-G users is relatively similar. The speed is also faster than in the past. It is expected that 5G will reach 500 million users in just three years.