One month ago, OnePlus unveiled its usual T variant in the form of OnePlus 8T. Unlike previous years, this year we won’t have the Pro variant for the T-series. So, the OnePlus 8T has the hard task of conquering alone new fans for the OnePlus ecosystem. The new device sits as a “mid-brother” for the OnePlus 8 family and brings incremental upgrades over the vanilla model. However, it outperforms both devices when we’re talking about fast-charging capabilities. The 8T is the first device to ship with 65W fast-charging straight out of the box. An interesting fact about the OnePlus 8T is that it is the first OnePlus phone to come with OxygenOS 11 based on Android 11 straight out of the box. As usual, OnePlus wants to keep good software support for this device. The device already received multiple updates and today is receiving a new patch with some bug fixes and general improvements.
The new update brings OxygenOS build number and according to the company it comes to fix an NFC related issue. However, there are additional improvements to make calls more stable. In fact, the update is quite similar to the last one, so it seems to be just an incremental build over the last release with some hotfixes. Worth noting that despite being released in mid-November, the update does not bring this month’s security patch. Instead, users will still have to deal with the October 2020 security patch released on the previous build. For more details about this update, you can check the changelog below.
OnePlus 8T – OxygenOS update changelog
- System
- Optimized the call stability
- Improved system power consumption performance to reduce heating
- Improved mis-touch prevention to offer a better gaming experience
- Optimized fluidity with some mainstream games to reduce lagging risks
- Optimized user experience with Alert Slider by adding toast messages when switching among the 3 modes
- Fixed the issue that the status bar kept hovering on the screen in landscape mode
- Fixed the issue that NFC cannot be turned on in a small probability
- Camera
- Optimized the imaging effect to bring you with better shooting experience
- Improved camera stability
- Network
- Optimized mobile network connection to improve the network intensity with signal
- Fixed the small probability issue with network interruption while playing games
Users running the last public release of OxygenOS will need to download a small 105MB file to get this update. Worth noting that, at the time of this writing, this update is rolling out only for users in India. However, the company confirms its arrival in Europe and North America pretty soon.