With the official launch of the Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 flagship SoC, it is expected that manufacturers will announce their intention to use this chip as soon as possible. That is exactly what is happening right now. A few minutes after the official launch, Xiaomi confirmed that it will be the first to use this chip. Now, an official announcement from Realme shows that it will also use this chip. The manufacturer says that the “Realme Race” will be one of the first to use the Snapdragon 888 SoC.
realme Race will be one of the first flagships powered by the just-announced Qualcomm #Snapdragon888 5G Mobile Platform. The #realmeRace is officially on! pic.twitter.com/3dXzlq70gP
— realme UK (@realmeUK) December 1, 2020
The company revealed this information via a tweet on its official U.K. handle. If this device will be one of the first to use this chip, it should arrive in February latest. As of now, we do not know much about this smartphone. Nevertheless, a piece of recent exclusive information on GSMArena reveals some details of this device.
According to the report, this device comes with model number RMX2202. In addition to the Snapdragon 888, Realme Race will come with up to 12GB of RAM and 256GB of storage. Of course, there will be other configurations maybe 8GB of RAM, 512GB storage, and so on. On the software end, the report shows that the Realme Race will come with Realme UI 2.0 on top of Android 11 out-of-the-box.
The specs sheet also comes with an image that shows us what the rear of this device will look like. In the camera department, we can clearly see a quad rear camera setup in a round camera housing. On the right of the circular camera housing is an LED Flash. Furthermore, this device seems to use a curved glass back design which is preponderant in the industry presently. As for the specific camera specification, the specs sheet does not show any information. There is also no information on the front design, screen size, and resolution.
However, before yesterday, all we knew about this device is just its name. However, with the latest announcement, we expect more information regarding this smartphone to hit the web soon. In addition, this official announcement also suggests that this device will make its way into Europe. The fact that the latest official info is coming out of the U.K. lends credence to this. We will keep a tab on this device and let you know as events unfold.