We already know that the Xiaomi Mi 11 will come with the recently released Snapdragon 888. However, more leaks of this smartphone are still hitting the web. The latest is an alleged real protective film which shows the quad-curved display of this phone. The picture shows that the new phone will use a four-curved screen with extremely narrow four borders. According to the leakster, @IceUniverse, this protective film is for the Xiaomi Mi 11. He also claims that the Xiaomi Mi 11 will arrive later this month.
This is quite surprising considering that Xiaomi usually releases its new digital flagship smartphones in February. However, there have been reports that the Mi 11 series will arrive in January.
At the event, Qualcomm revealed that 14 OEMs will use this chip. However, it did not list the OEMs. However, some of these companies are now officially confirming that they will use the SD888. Xiaomi was the first to confirm that the Xiaomi Mi 11 will be the first to use this chip. Subsequently, we had confirmations from Realme, Meizu, ZTE (and Nubia), and Redmi.
Xiaomi Mi 11 speculations
The Xiaomi Mi 11 series will have at least two devices – a regular model and a Pro model. According to a recent report, the Mi 11 Pro will come with a 2K display. Subsequent leaks show that the display may actually be 2K+ because the horizontal pixel is 3200. There are also reports that this smartphone series will use a 120Hz refresh rate. Furthermore, information on the camera of the Mi 11 Pro is available.
The Mi 11 will come with a 108MP triple camera and a curved display. Also, reports show that the rear camera will have a triple camera configuration. Furthermore, it will support 30x zoom as well as an ultra-wide shooter that also works for macro shots.
According to a recent leak, one of the Mi 11 series will come with a 4-in-1-pixel binning technology. The main camera of this phone will capture images at 50MP, however, the telephoto lens shows 12MP. As of now, we are not sure if it is a straight 12MP lens or a 4-in-1 48MP lens. Although 50MP lenses are not common, Huawei’s P40 previously used a 50-megapixel (RYYB, 23mm, F1.9 aperture) main lens. Furthermore, the main camera of this smartphone is a super-outsole model.