A couple of days ago, the Telegram team accidentally launched and quickly pulled a significant update of the messenger for iOS. The official release of Telegram 7.4 for Android and iOS has now taken place.
In honor of the launch, the developers also boasted of another achievement: in January, 100 million new users began using the messenger.
The main innovation of Telegram 7.4 was the very useful feature expected by many – transferring history from other messengers. You can transfer messages, photos, videos and documents from other applications to Telegram – for example, WhatsApp, Line and KakaoTalk. This works with both private chats and groups.
To transfer a chat from WhatsApp for iOS, just open a page with information about a contact or group, click “Export chat” and select Telegram from the “Share” menu. On Android devices, inside the WhatsApp chat, you must click “the three dots icon > More> Export Chat, then choose Telegram from the Share menu.
Telegram 7.4 features
Another Telegram innovation concerns privacy. Now users can delete secret chats, created groups without a trace, as well as clear entries in the call history on both sides – both from the sender and from the recipient. Telegram servers do not save information about deleted chats and entries in the call history, so this data will disappear forever.
Voice chats that are currently active in groups are now shown at the top of the call tab. They now have the ability to adjust the volume for individual participants. Settings changed by group administrators are applied to all listeners at once.
In the music player (Android only), by clicking on the artist’s name, you can go to the list of his tracks from all user chats. The sound now fades out and appears when you stop and start playing. The buttons “next track” and “previous track” can be pressed to fast forward or rewind.
You can greet newly registered friends by sending them a special sticker. In addition, support for visually impaired tools (TalkBack for Andoid and VoiceOver for iOS) has been improved; and new animations have been added to the Android app interface.
Telegram become the second most downloaded app in the US
As reported by The Telegraph; Telegram messenger is already ranked second in the ranking of the most downloaded applications in the United States. This happened after Twitter blocked the account of US President Donald Trump; and Apple and Google removed from their app stores the popular social network of his supporters Parler.
In less than a week, since January 6, Telegram messenger in the United States has been downloaded about 545 thousand times, that is, three times more than a week before. Experts note that the growth of Telegram’s popularity was also influenced by the new policy of another popular messenger, WhatsApp. On January 8, it became known that the personal data of WhatsApp users are made available to all Facebook applications.
The founder of Telegram, Pavel Durov, confirmed that after the introduction of the new WhatsApp rules; there were noticeably more new users in Telegram.
In addition, the creator of Telegram urged to abandon the iPhone in favor of Android.