According to the Enterprise Check App, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. applied for the registration of the HUAWEI COMBO trademark on April 14. The international classification is 28 types of fitness equipment and 41 types of education and entertainment. The current trademark status is in the process of registration. Recall that Opel Automobile had released the Combo car in 2011, which was a compact MPV. We do not know if Huawei is planning to use this “COMBO” for its car lineup.
Huawei has been very busy of late with its automobile business. Recall that Huawei claims that it will not make cars. However, it will make components that smart car companies will need. This also means that the Chinese manufacturer will have to cooperate with other car companies to produce new products.
According to Huawei, it is in business and it does not have to make cars to make money. The company claims that it is not in competition with other companies like Xiaomi and Baidu that have chosen to make cars. Rather, it will cooperate with these companies to make sure the best arrives in the market.
As of now, we do not know if Huawei will change its mind and enter the car field. Nevertheless, its present stands tell otherwise.
Huawei claims delay and jitter control of 0.1 milliseconds is possible
According to a Huawei top executive, Zhang Wenlin, president of Huawei’s strategy department, the industrial Internet has high requirements for low-latency and high-stability technology.
He reveals that Huawei and Zijinshan Laboratories conducted an experiment, and the delay and jitter control of 0.1 milliseconds can be achieved at a distance of 2000 kilometers apart. The company is quite certain of this and it’s not just an idea.
Huawei also claims that “such capabilities can meet its (industrial enterprise requirements) accuracy, including the precise needs of the Internet of Vehicles.”
For Zhang Wenlin, there is a lot to do in speeding up the process of digitalization of industrial enterprises. For him, the first step will be to ensure that the networking rate increases. In addition, the industry has to resolve some other pending issues. He mentions the issue of mesh interconnection is not interoperable with the seven countries and eight systems. Furthermore, he claims that cooperation between Huawei and SAIC is offering better.
These companies had to connect over 500 cars with more than 2,000 smart devices and over 10,000 sensors. According to him, the production line is seamless. In addition, the downtime reduced by 20%, which is a huge increase in production capacity.