Although changing the language in the Android operating system today is not a big deal, the situation is completely different with third-party applications – they can have rather limited language support. According to the latest reports, in the near future, the application translation function will be integrated into some Google smartphones.
Google, armed with all the latest technology for recognition and translation from different languages, intends to apply its skills to the development of Android 12. There are reports that the translation of applications will appear at least in some models of the Google Pixel series. Unfortunatley, these devices are not officially available in all regions of the world.
After the release of Android 12 Beta 1, the company has updated the API difference report with the android.view.translation update. According to the XDA Developers community of developers, who have carefully studied the new code, it is the Pixel series smartphones that will be able to translate the text of third-party application interfaces. We do not yet know if Google will make it mandatory to support this functionality.
While the feature is not available even for Google Pixel owners, XDA believes that the release will take place quite soon and will not be tied to any one model. Instead, support will be available on all compatible hardware, from the Pixel 3 series to the upcoming Pixel 5A 5G and Pixel 6.
Android 12 Beta Added Support for Fast Emergency Calls
For Android 12 users, getting emergency assistance becomes much easier with a new special feature. Now you can call for help with just a few clicks of a button.
As the developers reported during the Google I / O Developer Conference, in the downloadable version of Android 12 Beta 1; calling the Emergency SOS function is now much easier than in earlier generations of Google operating systems.
In order to call for help, it will be enough to quickly press the smartphone’s power button five times; after which a five-second countdown will begin on the screen. During this time, you can change your mind and cancel the operation with a swipe.
It is noteworthy that the Emergency SOS function uses 911 by default to call; users can be quickly change to another one allocated by government agencies in the user’s country. We know that the SOS quick signal feature has disappeared from previous Android 12 developer releases; but returned in the Beta 1 version, and it is active by default.
The function resembles a similar solution in Apple iOS and has the same name. In iOS, the Emergency SOS signal is given by a long press on the power button. In addition, iOS users can set up an alert for emergency contacts; using text messages after the end of the call; and the satellite coordinates of the device are sent to available contacts – this feature is not yet available in Android.