The rivalry between WhatsApp and Telegram is well known to all and this confrontation opened a new chapter on the social network Twitter, in which Telegram mocks WhatsApp with an epic troll: “What year is it?
The messaging platform created by the Durov brothers took advantage of the publication of a tweet by WhatsApp on their official account announcing the migration of chats from iOS to Android to mock this feature with a meme in which you can read the sentence: “What year is it?”
WhatsApp recently announced the migration of chats between iPhone and Android and posted it a few days ago on its official Twitter account, a moment Telegram took advantage of to poke fun at on the social network itself, reminding the users of the proprietary chat service from Facebook that its platform has implemented an automatic backup of all chats in the cloud and that its users can switch from iOS to Android and vice versa without the need for migration.
Telegram also mocks WhatsApp because this new feature is not yet fully implemented, since it only allows chats to be migrated from iOS to Android, and not the other way around, and, moreover, it is not. available, for the moment, only for devices from the Korean manufacturer Samsung.
Although Telegram is light years ahead of WhatsApp in terms of functionality; the instant messaging app owned by Facebook is still the most used in the world with more than two billion monthly active users; but little to little do we see how the trend is changing; and that more and more users are switching from WhatsApp to Telegram.