The start of this week was marked by a massive disruption to Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. The fall of popular social networks resulted in the collapse of the company’s shares and the outflow of users to other platforms. So, Pavel Durov boasted that a global failure in the work of competing networks led to the fact that the Telegram audience increased by 70 million users.
The fall of Facebook services persist for more than six hours, after which they were back to work. Alas, not for long. Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp dropped again yesterday. According to the Downdetector resource, the flow of complaints about disruptions in the work of social networks began to grow exponentially in the evening. Most of the complaints were about problems with Instagram. Users noted the difficulties encountered with authorization, the inability to leave comments, put likes, send messages, publish photos and videos.
The failure in the work of social networks was noted by residents of countries such as Germany, France, the Netherlands, Canada, the USA, Great Britain, Russia and other regions. At the moment, the problems have been resolved, social networks have returned to their usual work. What this time led to the downfall of Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp is not reported. We are waiting for the official comment of the company.