The founder of Telegram, Pavel Durov, announced plans to introduce a number of options that would allow disabling official advertisements in the messenger’s channels.
Telegram presented its own advertising platform at the end of October this year. Advertising will appear only in large channels, the support of which associate with the highest costs for Telegram. At the same time, Telegram will not show advertising messages in the chat list, personal conversations or groups. In addition, the messenger will not use personal data to display advertisements.
At the same time, as noted by Pavel Durov, many users offer to implement the ability to completely disable advertising. Therefore, Telegram is introducing two innovations. One of them is that it will be possible to prohibit the display of ads for a small fee.
“We have already started work on this new feature and look forward to launching it this month. It can be available in the form of an inexpensive subscription, which will allow any user to directly financially support the development of Telegram and never see official advertisements in the channels”.
In addition, channel authors will be able to disable official advertisements for all users.
“Some channel creators would also like to ‘turn off’ advertisements in their channels for all users. At the moment, we are calculating the economic conditions for this option. Soon, advertisers will be able to place an “invisible” ad in any channel, which – there is a sufficient cost per impression – will lead to the absence of ads in this channel, ”notes Pavel Durov.
Telegram began testing official advertising messages – they appeared in all major channels
At the end of last month, the creator of Telegram, Pavel Durov, announced that blocks with official advertising will soon appear on Telegram. Durov then said that most users probably won’t even notice it. But still, we noticed: today an advertising test advertising post appeared in the same official channel of Durov.
Telegram ads look exactly as described earlier. An advertising post consists of text and a button; by clicking on which the user will go to the advertiser’s website or channel. There are no images. The post is marked with the word “sponsored”, which clearly indicates that it was paid for by the advertiser. At the moment, the official advertising post are available on all channels with an audience of more than 1000 users.