MediaTek released the Dimensity 9000 processor a few days ago, and Qualcomm will release the Snapdragon 8 Gen1 processor next week. The two major 5G processors have been upgraded with 4nm technology and new architecture. The competition between these processors will be fierce and Dimensity 9000 will want to grab some flagship smartphones. According to reports from @DCS, both flagship processors will be very expensive. The Dimensity 9000 is almost twice the price of its predecessor, Dimensity 1200. However, the Snapdragon 8 Gen1 is still more expensive than the Dimensity 9000.
With regards to the 5nm Dimensity 7000, @DCS claims that this chip will arrive after Q1 next year. Qualcomm will also have an iterative upgrade of the Snapdragon 7 series processor. The main goal is to replace the Snapdragon 870 in the mid-range market, but the Dimensity 7000 feedback is better.
It should be noted that the relative prices referred to by @DCS are for a set of chips rather than a single processor price. This is because the Dimensity 9000 or Snapdragon 8 Gen1 that manufacturers bought from MediaTek and Qualcomm are not a single processor, and there are supporting parts.
Dimensity 9000 flagship processor
The Dimensity 9000 chip uses TSMC’s 4nm process + Armv9 architecture combination and has a high-performing Cortex-X2 super-large core. In addition, it has 3 Arm Cortex-A710 large cores (frequency 2.85GHz) and 4 Arm Cortex-A510 energy efficiency cores. This chip also supports LPDDR5X memory and the speed can reach 7500Mbps.
Dimensity 9000 adopts a flagship 18-bit HDR-ISP image signal processor. This technology can shoot HDR video with three cameras at the same time. Furthermore, the chip has a low power consumption performance. This chip comes with a high-performance ISP processing speed of up to 9 billion pixels/sec. It also supports triple exposure for triple cameras as well as up to 320MP cameras.
In terms of Al, Dimensity 9000 uses MediaTek’s fifth-generation Al processor APU. This is 4 times more energy-efficient than the previous generation. It can provide a high-efficiency AI experience for shooting, gaming, video, and other applications.
In terms of games, Dimensity 9000 uses Arm Mali-G710 graphics processor and launched a mobile ray tracing SDK kit. This includes Arm Mali-G710 ten-core GPU, mobile ray-tracing graphics rendering technology, support 180Hz FHD+ display.
In addition, this chip has a built-in M80 5G modem, which complies with the new generation of 3GPP R16 5G standards. It also supports Sub-6GHz 5G full-band network, which can greatly reduce communication power consumption while increasing network speed.
In terms of wireless network and audio technology, Dimensity9000 supports Wi-Fi and Bluetooth technologies with lower latency, including Bluetooth 5.3, Wi-Fi6E 2×2 MIMO, the upcoming Bluetooth LEAudio (dual-link true wireless stereo support) as well as the new Beidou III-B1C GNSS.
From the available reports, this flagship processor will be commercially available in Q1 next year.