Regularly, smartphones – especially premium models – are closely scrutinized, especially on the side of their depreciation. And like every year, the iPhone is doing much better than its competitors from Google or Samsung. For 2021, second-hand market specialist SellCell compared the iPhone 13 with the recent Pixel 6 launched two months later.
The iPhone 13’s depreciation rate is half that of the Google Pixel 6
According to their calculations and the various statements made with forty-five suppliers, the value of the iPhone 13 would decrease much less quickly, and this is valid as well for the iPhone 13 mini, the iPhone 13 Pro and the iPhone 13 pro Max. Indeed, after three months, the iPhones show a depreciation of between 22.4% and 28.9% of their value (or 21.8% on average) while a month after their launch, the Pixel 6 records a loss average of 42.6%, twice as much as the iPhone in three times the time.
Finally, all models of iPhone 13 depreciate less today more than two months ago, a rather curious situation which can be explained by the strong demand on the part of consumers and an insufficient supply due to the shortage of components. But, for SellCell, it is still too early to draw conclusions; and it will be necessary to wait until January 2022; just after the holiday season and the resumption of production to verify the trend.
SellCell Main Highlights
- Apple’s iPhone 13 enjoys continued buoyancy in terms of valuation; recovering yet more of its initial depreciation in months two and three. At an average of 21.8%, this is still the most successful launch an iPhone has seen and represents tremendously low depreciation across the entire smartphone industry.
- Google’s Pixel 6 has not fared so well in its first month. Across all five Pixel 6 models, the range has lost an average of 42.6% in value. This compares to a 24.9% average depreciation value in the iPhone 13’s first month, a difference of 17.7%.
- On average, we saw iPhone depreciation slowing between months one and two; the iPhone 13 lost on average 0.6% of its value. Could the Pixel 6 see a similar uptick in value?
- During months two and three, the depreciation value of the iPhone 13 didn’t increase at all, in fact it decreased from 25.5% in month two, to 21.8% in month three, a recovery of 3.7%, meaning the iPhone 13’s value went up, not down.
- The cheapest of Google’s new handsets, the Pixel 6 128 GB, lost the least value of all Google’s new handset range, with only 36.6% depreciation. By comparison, the least expensive iPhone 13 Mini 128 GB lost 26.9%.
- Every iPhone 13 model has seen a recovery in value compared to the initial depreciation at launch; and all iPhone 13 models are now worth more than they were 2 months ago.
- January 2022 (coincidentally, when Google Store anticipates shipping Pixel 6 handset again) will tell whether the Pixel 6 poses any real threat to the iPhone 13; although initial figures suggest Apple has little to worry about.