Much to the delight of Futurama fans, the adult animated sci-fi comedy series has been revived at Hulu. Nearly ten years after going off-air, Futurama is set to return with multiple original cast members. After negotiating for several months, Hulu has finalized deals for twenty episodes of the cult animated sci-fi comedy created by Matt Groening. As part of the Hulu deals, Futurama will be premiering in 2023 on the popular streaming platform.
Some of the series’ popular voice cast including David Herman, Phil LaMarr, and Lauren Tom will come back. Aside from them, Maurice LaMarche, Tress MacNeille. Katey Sagal and Billy West will be making their comebacks as well. However, the aforesaid list does not include John DiMaggio, who is one of the three lead voice actors. DiMaggio voices the indecent robot Bender. Aside from that, he voices a myriad of other characters. Before the first table read on February 14, the role is in recasting process
John DiMaggio Could Reprise His Role
This decision came after the negotiations between DiMaggio and Futurama studio 20th Television Animation came to a halt. Nevertheless, both sides want him to rejoin the cast to reprise his iconic role. An insider familiar with the project claims the producers believe DiMaggio will return If this speculation proves to be true, the Bender will return. Moreover, sources claim that DiMaggio was approached alongside the rest of the cast.