Vivo Pad and laptops are set to launch in India later this year. Also, Vivo wants to branch out its offline presence in the country. Vivo will launch the X80 series smartphones in India tomorrow, May 18. The lineup includes the Vivo X80 and X80 Pro smartphones. The company is already planning for the year ahead. Vivo will bring more tablets and laptops into the Indian market in 2022. Moreover, it wants to give buyers an experience similar to the Apple stores.
Now, a report by 91mobiles suggests that Vivo could launch new products in India. The Vivo Pad and Vivo Book will launch in India soon. The Vivo Pad is an Android tablet, while the Vivo Book is a range of new laptops. To recall, Vivo launched the Vivo Pad tablet in China in April. Likewise, the brand is reportedly working on the Vook Book laptops. Notably, the Vivo laptops haven’t gone official in China as well. Nevertheless, the Vivo Pad is reportedly being tested in India.
Vivo Pad, Vivo Book Launch In India Imminent – Expected Price
Asus is currently selling laptops under the Vivobook series, so Vivo could use a different branding. Moreover, the Vivo Pad and Vivo Book are likely to launch in India in the upcoming quarter. So, the two Vivo products could launch between July and August this year. Aside from this, Vivo is gearing up to expand its offline presence in India. The company wants to offer Apple tire-like experience in stores across the country. We can expect this in the upcoming 2 to 3 quarters. The stores could be a one-stop shop for buyers. It is likely to sell a myriad of Vivo products.
Further, it could give Vivo fans a chance to check out products before buying them. The Vivo Pad Chinese variant retails for CNY 2,499 (about INR 29,500). For this price, you get the 8GB RAM+128GB storage variant. Likewise, the 8GB RAM+256GB storage model sells for CNY 2,999 (about INR 35,500). Moreover, the Vivo Pad is available in Blue and Black color options. You can even buy a keyboard accessory and a stylus. The Pad sports an 11-inch 2.5K display with a 120Hz refresh rate. Also, it packs a Snapdragon 870 processor.
The Pad ships with up to 8GB RAM and offers 256GB of onboard storage. It has an 8,040 mAh battery that supports 44W fast charging. For optics, the Pad has a 13MP main camera and an 8MP ultrawide camera. Upfront, the tablet has an 8MP selfies camera. It boots Android 11 OS with Origin OS on top.