All those familiar with Telegram, know the slogan “Telegram is free forever. No ads. No subscription fees”. The messengers always wanted to make clear that it does not intend to charge its users. However, this seems to be changing. According to recent reports, the company is working on a Telegram Premium. The name clearly suggests that the company will charge a fee and will provide some “Premium-exclusive” features. Now, this seems to be coming soon, and the company is already preparing the path for it. A new beta version of the app gives a clear hint, including exclusive reactions and stickers. Now, the code for an upcoming version of Telegram has been spotted and it has dropped the slogan. So we can conclude that “free forever” is no longer part of the company’s philosophy.
Telegram prepares the way for its Premium tier
As previously spotted by Alessandro Paluzzi on Twitter, a mobile developer and leaker, new strings have given us a look at the same page in a potential upcoming version of the application. It drastically changes the wording. Now it reads as follows: “Telegram provides free unlimited cloud storage for chats and media.” There is no wording around subscriptions precisely. However, this is likely a move to prepare the way for the paid Telegram version.