Recently, there has been a lot of talk about the leak that has given us the opportunity to know, provided that all the details are confirmed, the characteristics of Telegram Premium. The paid version of the service has been confirmed in the last few hours by Pavel Durov, the founder of the messenger, through a message posted on his official channel.
Durov explained that many users over time asked to raise the limits of what is possible with the app; so we tried to figure out how to do it. The problem is that by removing these limits for everyone, our servers and costs would become unsustainable. So it won’t be possible to “invite everyone to this party”.
Since the day Telegram was available almost 9 years ago; we’ve been giving our users more features and resources than any other messaging app. A free app as powerful as Telegram was revolutionary in 2013 and is still unprecedented in 2022. To this day, our limits on chats, media and file uploads are unrivaled.
This month, Telegram Premium will be official
The entrepreneur then went on to explain that all the features currently available will remain free; and that there will be new ones even for non-paying users. Among these new features available for every Telegram user, there will be the possibility to see and download the ‘extra large’ documents posted by Premium users.
Durov closed his message by confirming that, although the app has been experimenting with advertising within channels for some time to finance its business, the priority will always remain users and hence the desire for an extra paid service for finance.
The message announces the release of Telegram Premium by June; but there are no confirmations on the precise date and price. In recent days there has been talk of 4.99 dollars to have access to a series of functions; such as uploading larger files and faster times, longer captions and other functions. We will bring you all the details as soon as possible.