Ipartsexpert.com is one of the largest online distributors of cell phone replacement parts, offering a wide range of LCD touchscreen digitizers, replacement sim card slots, OCA optical adhesive sticker and other related repair tools for almost all mainstream cell phone models at the best quality you can find on the market at the most competitive prices. More or less anything you are looking for for phone repairs and fixing is in their stock, so just take a look and choose. From Apple, through Samsung, Huawei or OnePlus to even some minor brands.
And now they have some extra promotions for their customers, starting from June 17th till July 7th. Once again you can save up on the spare parts and accessories and the discounts can be quite significant. So without furthe ado, let’s get down to it.
First we have the Focus on Mobile Phone Repairing, with up to 8% OFF. You can find there plenty of handy tools for phone repairs from all across the categories. Need to get the screen splitter, desoldering rework station or some power boot cables ? Everything is on the menu in droves and up for grabs. Making your own well equipped home phone repair station has never been easier.
Most of the modern phones don’t have easily replaceable batteries and iPhones are of course among them. Getting it done in an authorized service center can cost a small fortune, so why not save quite a lot of money and do it yourself ? And with the Replace the batteries, Solve the issues promo you save up to 8% off. Plenty of batteries with flex cables and battery covers to choose from for various iPhone models out there.
Last, but not least come some extra accessories for the Samsung phones. From the screen protectors, through cases and covers to ring holders and more slightly obscure pieces. This Up to 40% OFF Worth Buying List of Samsung Accessories contains plenty of Samsung phones so definitely worth checking up if you own one.